Friday, August 19, 2016

What Critics Are Saying About "Ben-Hur" and "War Dogs"

War Dogs - Hustling for the American Dream [HD]

This week at the multiplex, weve got a kid with magic powers (Kubo and the Two Strings, with voice performances by Charlize Theron and Matthew McConaughey), rogue arms dealers (War Dogs, starring Jonah Hill and Miles Teller), and a fallen prince (Ben-Hur, starring Jack Huston and Morgan Freeman). Find out what the critics have to say on Rotten Tomatoes.


Ben-Hur the 1880 Lew Wallace novel that was turned into a classic 1925 silent film and whose 1959 adaptation was a Best Picture-winning smash that still ranks among the more widely acclaimed movies of all time gets yet another big-screen take. Needless to say, Timur Bekmambetovs new version of the biblically inspired tale has some pretty big shoes to fill, and as far as most critics are concerned, its nowhere near up to snuff: reviews point to an earnest would-be epic whose heart might be in the right place, but whose reach almost completely exceeds its grasp. While the climactic chase scene benefits from modern technology, fans of the 1925 and 1959 versions will find this one suffers mightily in comparison. Ben-Hur is is currently at 30 percent on the Tomatometer; here are some of the reviews:

Rotten: It needed a star like the Russell Crowe of Gladiator to provide dramatic heft. What is Ben-Hur without a platform of moral grandeur? Not much. Stephen Holden, New York Times

Rotten: Ben-Hur is far from the worst movie of the year. It probably wont even be the worst movie of the month. Its just one of the least necessary. Christopher Lawrence, Las Vegas Review-Journal

Rotten: A film that fails to deliver pretty much all the way down the line. Lou Lumenick, New York Post

Fresh: Give me Bekmambetovs Ben-Hur with its pulsating battles and chariot races, its proclamation that mercy and sacrifice are more revolutionary than anything you can cook up with swords or chariots over any of this summers exhausting superhero movies. Alissa Wilkinson, Christianity Today

War Dogs

Jonah Hill and Miles Teller as a couple of freewheeling young bros selling arms in a ripped-from-the-headlines comedy directed by Hangover vet Todd Phillips? It might sound like a recipe for an R-rated gonzo funnybone tickler, but according to critics, while War Dogs definitely has its share of laughs, its actually a somewhat sobering look at the real-life dirty deeds of some of the worlds more unscrupulous individuals. In fact, thats one of the movies biggest problems: while the reviews describe an entertaining enough effort, they also express general disappointment at its unwillingness or inability to take a nasty bite out of a story that truly deserves it. War Dogs is currently at 57 percent on the Tomatometer; heres what some of the critics are saying:

Fresh: Phillips leans heavily into the absurdist humor of how the Pentagon could have been conned especially by a pair of bros whose previous claim to fame was getting busted buying pot as Yeshiva middle schoolers. Ethan Sacks, New York Daily News

Fresh: Theres a limit to how much patience one has for spending time with terrible people living large. But for all the lackluster familiarity of the films style, the story is too interesting, too baffling to deny. Barbara VanDenburgh, Arizona Republic

Rotten: Despite all the Martifications and Scorsese-ing, were left with virtually nothing, except the feeling that a pretty good anecdote has been inflated into a bubble-headed American Dream morality tale. Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune

Rotten: Even if youre not aware of this real-life story, youll recognize the well-worn narrative of dudes who hustle their way to the top only to see it all fall apart in spectacular fashion. Mara Reinstein, Us Weekly

Kubo and the Two Strings

Theyve yet to release a blockbuster on par with one of the bigger animation houses, but the folks at Laika have built an impressive reputation over the last several years a span thats seen the studio release a trio of critically acclaimed feature-length efforts with Coraline, ParaNorman, and The Boxtrolls. Their fourth film, Kubo and the Two Strings, looks like itll extend that distinguished streak; as with earlier Laika productions, reviews describe a viewing experience thats as visually thrilling as it is narratively satisfying. An action epic set in feudal Japan, Kubo stars Game of Thrones vet Art Parkinson as the titular hero, whos forced to embark on a quest to save his loved ones after inadvertently summoning an evil spirit whose arrival may hold the key to unlocking painful secrets from his familys past. Kubo and the Two Strings is Certified Fresh at 94 percent on Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer; check out some of the reviews here:

Fresh: The first and last things to be said in this limited space about Kubo and the Two Strings are that its a showcase for some of the most startlingly beautiful animation in recent and not so recent memory. Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

Fresh: Its a classic heros journey full of action and adventure, but its also an intimate fable about love and loss, magic and memory. Christy Lemire,

Fresh: From its captivating narration and first stormy scene, Kubo and the Two Strings lures the audience into its vivid storytelling and exquisite execution of stop-motion animation. Maricar Estrella, Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Rotten: Kubo and the Two Strings is a visually dazzling film set in an ancient, magical Japan. And now, the bad news. As a narrative, Kubo and the Two Strings is nearly incomprehensible. Rafer Guzman, Newsday

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