Saturday, August 13, 2016

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson backtracks on blaming Obama for 2004 death of Humayun Khan

Katrina Pierson leaves Kate Snow "speechless"

Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson admitted her timeline was off when she suggested that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were somehow to blame for the death of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died in Iraq in 2004 when George W. Bush was commander in chief.

What I was talking about is Donald Trump has no connection with anything to do with Capt. Khan, Pierson said on CNNs New Day Wednesday morning. Hillary Clinton voted for the war in Iraq. She did not support the surge. Barack Obama made things worse by invading more countries than President Bush did.

Donald Trump wasnt there, she added. That was the only point. Donald Trump is being blamed for something he had nothing to do with.

During a discussion with CNNs Wolf Blitzer the night before, Pierson was asked if her boss had any plans to apologize to the Khan family for suggesting that Ghazala Khan, Humayuns grieving mother, was not allowed to speak at last weeks Democratic National Convention because she is Muslim.

What exactly is Mr. Trump supposed to be apologizing for? Pierson asked. It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagements that probably cost his life.

The gaffe went viral overnight, as a hashtag (#KatrinaPiersonHistory) mocking her grasp of history began trending on Twitter.

Pierson even used the hashtag herself.

But it backfired.

The war of words between Trump and the Khans began at last weeks Democratic National Convention, where Khizr Khan delivered a stinging rebuke of Trump over his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States a policy that would have prevented his son from serving in the U.S. military.

Donald Trump, youre asking Americans to trust you with their future, Khan said. Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. Look for the words liberty and equal protection of law.

Khizr Khan said Piersons comments were another example of a lack of factual correctness among Trumps surrogates.

Please, show some decency, Khan said on CNN Tuesday following Pierson, a frequent guest on cable news.

On Wednesday, Pierson admitted she was absolutely wrong to assert Obama and Clintons actions cost Khan his life.

Thats why I used probably, she said. I was just going through the timeline. Because since then, we have had tens of thousands of soldiers that have been lost, 1 million wounded. Six trillion dollars later, how can we possibly put any of the onus on Donald Trump? Its absolutely absurd, and thats why you see so much confusion around this issue.

But no one was blaming Donald Trump for Captain Khans death, CNNs Alisyn Camerota said. You were blaming President Obama and he wasnt president yet.


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