Monday, August 15, 2016

12 Reasons Why We Love Dipa Karmakar More Than Ever Before

Rio Olympic 2016: Dipa Karmakar eyes historic medal in vault final today

Dipa Karmakar is the toast of the nation right now. She may not have won a medal but the 4th place finish in the gymnastics vault event has put her on the map.


The 23-year-old"s achievement is no mean feat as it is a big boost for the sport in the country. Here are some reasons why we should embrace her:

1. She loves what she does


Her smile is always proof that she is at home when she performs those deadly moves.

2. Understands her own value


Dipa knows that no medal can decide how good an athlete she is.

3. Despite all her achievements, she remains grounded


Humility is her cornerstone and she still has it despite her name and fame.

4. For her success is a reality and not some dream


She knows her success is not a dream run as she has worked hard to be where she is.

5. Shares a great relationship with her coach


The chemistry helps her do well on the big stage.

6. Worked on her body to become a gymnast


From a flat-footed child to a world class gymnast, the journey has been epic.

7. Is very close to her loved ones


At the end of the day, only what those close to her think of her matters to Dipa.

8. Always full of optimism


Is never down mentally as she believes every cloud has a silver lining.

9. Enjoys the journey to become the best


Learns from experience to be the best at what she does.

10. Despite no medal at Rio, she has no regrets


Dipa knows that this performance is a stepping-stone to more success.

11. Dominates her sport like a person in control


She knows what she is doing when she is flying through th air.

12. Has more talent than many others


Dipa is clearly no ordinary girl and that"s what sets her apart.


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