Friday, June 10, 2016

Trump says Clinton policies would deal "a crushing blow" to the poor live

Full Speech: Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Donald Trump During ACS Convention (6-9-16)

Hillary Clinton takes a direct rhetorical shot against Donald Trump, who she says wants to appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade; he, of course, wants to defund Planned Parenthood, and he wants to go after so many rights we have, including the right to access to safe, legal abortion.

Hillary Clinton speaks during a Planned Parenthood Action Fund membership event. Photograph: Alex Brandon/AP

He actually said women should be punished for having abortions, Clinton says, her voice hushed. Now, once he said that, there was an outcry - as there should have been, and he tried to walk it back - hes been doing that a lot lately - but anyone who would so casually agree to the idea of punishing women, like it was nothing... thats someone who does not hold women in high regard.

This is a man who has called women pigs and dogs and disgusting animals, Clinton continues. When he says that pregnant women are an inconvenience to their employer, what does that say?

Everything Ive seen tells me that life is freer, fairer, healthier, safer, and far more humane when woman are empowered to make their own reproductive health decisions, Clinton says.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Donald Trump has shown us who he is - and we believe him, Clinton says. He does not see all Americans as Americans. So this election isnt about the same old fights between Democrats and Republicans - theyll be there, dont worry - but this election is profoundly different. Its about who we are as a nation.

So heres my promise to you today: I will be your partner in this election, and over the long haul, Clinton concludes. We are stronger together, and were going to make history together in November!


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