Monday, June 6, 2016

Today Is the 72nd Anniversary of D-Day: Do You Know What the "D" Stands For?

Normandy Surviving D-Day(full documentary)HD

To military historians, millions of Americans, Europeans and especially the survivors and families of those who fought in World War II, June 6, 1944, is known solely as D-Day a day widely recognized as a turning point in World War II.

On the morning of the historic day, a coordinated assault was launched involving more than 160,000 Allied fighters storming the beaches of Normandy, France.

Success on D-Day was critical to an Allied win over n**i Germany. But, what does it mean? What does the D in D-Day stand for?

Could the D stand for decision, doomsday or even death?

While there is not complete agreement on the answer to the question, a couple of generally accepted explanations lead all possible answers.

The World War II Museum in New Orleans offers clarity on the topic citing author Stephen Ambroses D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II:

Time magazine reported on June 12 [1944] that as far as the U.S. Army can determine, the first use of D for Day, H for Hour was in Field Order No. 8, of the First Army, A.E.F., issued on Sept. 20, 1918, which read, The First Army will attack at H-Hour on D-Day with the object of forcing the evacuation of the St. Mihiel salient.

According to Time, the D in D-Day merely means day.

Could it be that simple? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Another book, War Slang from Paul Dickson, offers the following accounts for consideration:

Many explanations have been given for the meaning of D-Day, June 6, 1944, the day the Allies invaded Normandy from England during World War II. The Army has said that it is simply an alliteration, as in H-Hour. Others say the first D in the word also stands for day, the term a code designation. The French maintain the D means disembarkation, still others say debarkation, and the more poetic insist D-Day is short for day of decision. When someone wrote to General Eisenhower in 1964 asking for an explanation, his executive assistant Brigadier General Robert Schultz answered: General Eisenhower asked me to respond to your letter. Be advised that any amphibious operation has a departed date; therefore the shortened term D-Day is used.

The short answer here, the D in D-Day could mean day, departure, disembarkation, debarkation or day of decision.

The only real agreement on D-Day is the fact the invasion forever changed the course of WWII.

Need to more about the events of D-Day? You can follow a timeline of the invasion on Twitter.

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