Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Washington primary results, Haley Johnsen, hospital and lawmaker threatened, Chalk the Walks, meth seizure: Clark ...

HARDBALL 5 11 2016 SOON:WEST VIRGINIA PRIMARY RESULTS Mr. Trump goes to Washington
Hey, Clark County readers, hope you"ve had a good week -- did you get to the county fair? If you did, and you took pictures you"d like to share, feel free to post them at the My Vancouver public blog. All you need is a free OregonLive account.

Speaking of the fair, Oregonian reporter Sara Hottman visited earlier this week and found circus tricks with a cowboy twist. Oregonian photographer Randy L. Rasmussen had fun making fair pictures. The fair continues through Sunday.

Here"s a look at the rest of this week"s Clark County headlines from The Oregonian and OregonLive.com.

Vancouver Sikhs: Leaders of a Sikh worship center in Vancouver were among those mourning the victims of a mass shooting at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin last Sunday. "This is a time for all communities, all religions to be one," said Pawneet Sethi, a spokesman for Guru Ramdass Gurdwara in Vancouver.

Vehicle crash: A 25-year-old man died and nine adults and children were injured in a head-on crash between a truck and a van Sunday night.

Hospital threat: An 18-year-old man was arrested Monday after allegedly threatening to go to Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center with a gun to "break out" his girlfriend.

Party attack: A 19-year-old Camas man is accused of injuring two people when he allegedly hit them with a vodka bottle during a party near Woodland last month.

Chalked walks: On Aug. 21, people all over the country will use chalk to write positive messages on sidewalks, promoting laughter, smiles, good will, good health, neighborliness and general well-being -- thanks to the Vancouver woman who started Chalk the Walks.

County candidates: In Clark County results from Tuesday"s Washington primary election, Commissioners Tom Mielke"s and Marc Boldt"s re-election hopes stay alive, while Jim Malinowski and Julia Anderson were leading a seven-way race for public utility district commissioner.

Meth seizure: The Clark County drug task force announced Wednesday it had recovered 74 pounds of meth, worth nearly $1 million -- what may be the single largest seizure of methamphetamine in Clark County"s history.

Benefit concert: "American Idol" contestant Haley Johnsen of Beaverton will perform at a concert in Vancouver tonight to benefit the Kiang"ombe School for children in Kenya.

Real estate: Clark County is still struggling with some overhang of new construction compared with the rest of the Portland metro, writes The Oregonian"s real estate reporter, Elliot Njus, on his Front Porch blog.

Charlie Hales: Portland mayoral candidate Charlie Hales reported a $600 donation from a Vancouver resident July 31, more than a month after saying he wouldn"t take any out-of-state contributions. S. Kenneth Kirn also gave $1,250 to Hales in the primary before Hales limited contributions to $600 and under.

Football officials: The Evergreen Football Officials Association will supply 75 men this coming season to officiate at high school, middle school and youth football games. They don"t do it for the money.

Skate park: Construction was expected to start this week on a skate park in Yacolt that will give kids somewhere in town where they can safely do 360s, pop ollies and try other tricks.

Legislator threatened: A Vancouver man was sent to the Clark County jail after making detailed threats to kill former Oregon legislator Eileen Qutub if she didn"t quit sending him campaign mail. Qutub is running for Washington State Senate District 49.

Explosives facility: To the chagrin of some Woodland-area residents, Northwest Energetic Services is preparing to build two 60-foot storage silos that will contain liquid and dry ammonium nitrate.

Exchange student: Gretel Rieber-Wicke, the first foreign exchange student at Battle Ground High School in 1952, returned to her old haunts in Battle Ground this week, with a film crew from her native Germany tagging along.

Watershed stewards: WSU Clark County Extension and Clark County Environmental Services are offering a free training series for those who wish to volunteer to help maintain healthy watersheds. Classes start Sept. 6.

Bank robbery: A 2009 Washougal High School graduate has been sentenced to five years probation after pleading guilty to bank robbery. Emma Caday Westhusing won multiple scholarships and awards and became an academic scholar at Linfield College before turning to crime.

Bike thefts: Twenty-nine bicycles were stolen from the Hough Pool/Recreation Center, Vancouver police said Friday. The bicycles are valued at $500 each.

Real estate: Check out recent single-family home sales in Camas and Vancouver.

Beyond Clark County: Marijuana measure: A group pushing a measure to legalize and tax marijuana in Washington state this week launched a three-week television ad campaign. The advertisement features a woman who says she doesn"t like marijuana, but it"s a multimillion-dollar industry that doesn"t benefit the state. Also, a state analysis says it"s anyone"s guess as to the financial impact of legalizing marijuana - anywhere between $0 and $1.9 billion.

Road trips: Oregonian News Network partner Kathleen Bauer, who blogs at GoodStuffNW, writes about her weekend getaway to Wenatchee. And Oregonian travel writer Terry Richard has two series going on Seattle and the Palouse region, including the town of Pullman.

Governor"s race: The campaign of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jay Inslee has filed an ethics complaint against his Republican opponent. Inslee"s aides said in documents released Friday that Rob McKenna failed to promptly pay some campaign expenses and used his attorney general campaign account to pay gubernatorial campaign dues.

- Amy w**g; on Twitter

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/clark-county/index.ssf/2012/08/washington_primary_results_hospital_and_lawmak.html

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