Saturday, May 28, 2016

Krauthammer: Obama Hiroshima Speech "Embarrassing" "Implicit Apology Dishonored Our Nation"

President Obama Return from Hiroshima at MCAS Iwakuni, Air Force One - 広島訪問後にエアフォースワンで帰国するオバマ大統領


Friday on Fox News Channels Special Report during the All-Star Panel segment, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer criticized President Barack Obama for the speech he had given at Hiroshima, the site where the first atomic bomb had been dropped, earlier in the day.


Although he said it wasnt an explicit apology, the implicit apology dishonored our nation.

We saw it today. Heres a guy who went around the world when hes inaugurated I dont want to use the word apologize, but confessing of long history of American sins, from the maltreatment of Indians to the coup of Iran in 53, the coup in Guatemala, the list is very long, and its sort of he closed the circle of that apology tour today in Hiroshima.

And to say it wasnt a formal apology, of course he wasnt going use the word, and, yes, he did speak of war in the abstract. But he did it in Hiroshima. If you want to do a speech about war in the abstract you do it in Prague, which is what he did in 2009. When you do it in Hiroshima, of course youre talking about World War II, of course youre talking about American dropping the bomb, and of course the implication is that we have a sense of guilt about, not an overt apology.

This is a visit he should have made next year as a private citizen, in which case he can speak like a naive private citizen about escaping the logic of fear. What other way is there of dealing with nuclear weapons other than the logic of fear, i.e., deterrence? Eliminating them is never going to happen and will weaken us. Do we want to be without nuclear weapons when theres a nut case, Pyongyang, who is acquiring them, with apocalyptic, genocidal mullahs in Iran are acquiring them? Of course not.

And the president speaking as president representing the United States, I thought it was embarrassing, the utopianism, and the implicit apology dishonored our nation. Its not something he should have done.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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