Monday, May 23, 2016

Preacher, episode 1: "Gangsters, vampire-slayers and cowboys. More tea, Vicar?" - review

Preacher: "A Bunny in a Bear Trap" Talked About Scene Ep.101

Arms got broken, hearts cut out, ears bitten off and intestines spilled. Entire cows got eaten, sports mascots were beaten up and helicopters shot down with backyard bazookas. Safe to say this wasnt your average parish.

It wasnt all ultra-violence. Cooper had quiet moments with church organist Emily (Lucy Griffiths, another Brit) and a local lad called Arseface (Ian Colletti), whose botched suicide by shotgun had left him with a face like well, you can imagine. Rather than played for laughs, though, this was surprisingly sweetly handled - reminiscent of The Elephant Man and rather poignant.

Elsewhere, though, the adolescent roots of the comic books showed through. It was distinctly iffy when a battered wife insisted she enjoyed being abused. In an upcoming episode, women from the local brothel run around in lingerie while sadistic cattle ranchers shoot at them.


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