Friday, December 12, 2014

Virgen De Guadalupe: 4 Miracles Associated With The Iconic Mexican Saint

December 12th is the annual feast day for the famed Mexican saint theVirgen de Guadalupe. Thousands are expected to flock toher shrinein Des Plaines in order to celebrate the day many Christians believe the Virgen Mary appeared toJuan Diego.On Dec. 9, 1531 it is said that Diego, an enslaved Nahua Indian saw a vision of Christ's mother. The Virgin asked Diego to build a church on the Hill of Tepeyac near Mexico City.

In Mexico the image most associated with the Virgin is that of the Blessed Mother which is housed in Mexico City at the Basilica of Our Lady Guadalupe. All Saints have miracles associated to them. In fact it is a requirement that any candidate for Sainthood must have two miracles associated with them in order to be named a saint. In Mexico and throughout the world the Virgen de Guadalupe has many miracles attributed to her. The first miracle is of course her appearance to Juan Diego in 1531. Another miracle associated with her is thecloak of roses the virgin made for Diego. There were some, like the Spanish ArchbishopFray Juan deZumrragawho did not believeDiego's story. Zumrraga told Diego to pray to the Virgin and ask for a sign to show his vision was real. The Virgin once again appeared to the man and instructed him to pick flowers from the top of Tepeyac. Diego climbed the hill but did not expect to find any flower since it was late December. To his surprise Diego discoveredCastilian roseswhich the Virgin made into a cloak for him. Upon returning from the hill Diego opened the cloak and the roses fell to the floor showing an image of the Holy Mother.

The Virgin Mary or the Virgen de Guadalupe is associated with a number of miracles. In Texas a university art teacher and her students drew a mural of the Virgen De Guadalupe in a large lot that was once a gas station. Since the mural was drawn many people have said they have experienced miracles including the professor who said afterpainting the muralher car smelled like roses for days. A mother of one of the students helping on the mural prayed that her sick daughter would get better and when she did the woman left roses near the painting. In June of 2012 a fire destroyed a church in Mexico. The only thing that was left of theSt. Augustin Chapelwere stones and slabs from the building's foundation. Nothing within the church survived with one exception. Out of the blackened and charred rubble a firefighter found a slightly singedportrait of the Virgen De Guadalupe. Many took the portrait's survival as a miracle and a sign that the Virgin was always watching over them. Rev. Gaytn from the church said while the miracle may not be literal it was a symbol of the needs of parishioners during a time of grief.


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