Saturday, December 13, 2014

EXCLUSIVE! Real Housewives Of Orange County's Vicki Gunvalson ...

Uh-oh, does this mean that Vicki Gunvalson is on Santa's naughty list?!

On Thursday, the Real Housewives star ACCIDENTALLY posted a picture of her boobies to Instagram a seXXXy pic she quickly deleted once she realized her embarrassing error!

[ Related: Real Housewives' Vicki Gunvalson Finalizes Her Divorce With Some Extra Money In Her Pocket! ]

The x-rated snap was uploaded to thank Andy Cohen for a pair of top-notch headphones he gifted the reality star with but unfortunately for Vic, she failed to realize her n***d reflection was also captured in the pic.

Oops! And while it might seem obvi to all of us, Vicki EXCLUSIVELY commented to us that she didn't see herself in the pic when she first posted!

Check out the cleverly censored pic AND her statement on the nudie mistake (below)! And be sure to ALSO check out her castmate Tamra Judge's joke about the whole ordeal!

Vicki told

I'm a human being and we make mistakes. I wanted to shout out to Bravo for my Beats while blow drying my hair and getting ready for work, I clearly couldn't see the reflection when I posted the image. I apologize to anyone that saw the picture and am deeply embarrassed.

Well, we hope Vicki has learned her lesson!

Next time you walk around in the buff, girl, stay away from a cell phone camera!

Tags: exclusives!, gifs, instagram, real housewives, reality tv

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