Monday, July 11, 2016

Meticulous, steely, and loyal to her friends: Theresa May is the perfect person to lead us out of the EU

Theresa May Is on Course to Be Next U.K. Prime Minister

The first thing to know about Theresa is that she is tough. There is no point, internally as a minister, or externally as a foreign country, thinking that in a negotiation with her you are going to gain ground easily.

I remember US officials complaining to me in 2012 about her refusal to extradite Gary McKinnon, the computer hacker with Aspergers syndrome accused of hacking into the Pentagon. This was a decision made by the Home Secretary after considering all the facts, I said, as a weary look came over them. Mrs May is known in government for going into things thoroughly, I went on, but she is not known for changing her mind once she has made a decision. When shes decided something, my advice is to accept thats the end of it.

The disgruntled Americans rolled their eyes knowingly. They did indeed grudgingly accept that there was nothing further they could do. When it comes to getting people to desist from an argument, it helps enormously if they know the person they are dealing with has consistency and resolve. Theresa May has those attributes.


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